The strength of our success comes from our remarkable support system—our people. At Courtesy Corporation, we are committed to developing our people at every level of the organization-from restaurant crew to managers. Our company's People First Philosophy of employment provides a strong foundation on which our employees can grow and prosper.


Education First

Archways to opportunity

McDonald’s will lead the industry in promoting workforce education to support the business and ensure employee success and advancement.

Archways to Opportunity helps employees learn English-language skills, get a high school diploma, and move on to an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree. We believe that education is the true game-changer. We’re proud to provide employees with tools and world-class training that help them succeed within our System. Archways to Opportunity is not a one-size-fits--all solution, but an overarching education strategy that meets people where they are.

Interested in learning more or wanting to apply? CLICK HERE

Check out these step-by-step instructions on how to apply HERE


As an Education First Employer, we are committed to helping all active employees reach their educational goals. Our McScholars Program is an easy way to save 50 cents for every hour worked. We will match the amount you save up to $10,000 to help pay for your college tuition and/or books! Plus, you can work flexible hours to accommodate your class schedule.

In addition to earning a paycheck and doubling your savings, you will enhance your education by learning how a multi-million-dollar business operates on a daily basis. As you succeed at increasing levels of responsibility, you will learn what it takes to master various levels of management. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll reach your educational and financial goals.

To print off the application form for McScholars, CLICK HERE
If you are UNDER 18, you also need a parent/co-signer to complete THIS FORM

Completed forms can be sent to or given to your General Manager


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